Eight Police Officers Forcibly Remove 4-year-old Neurodivergent
Child from Mother's Care by Order of Family Court, Child Protection
Services Fail to Attend
05 December 2023
Family court failed to notify a mother of the police enforcement order made without notice on 30 November 2023. On 02 December 2023, eight police officers attended her Oshawa, Ontario home and apprehended her neurodivergent four-year-old child. The exchange took three hours and as observed in the short video released on 03 December 2023, the child was inconsolable
and under extreme duress.
Call for a Ban on the Harmful Legal Tactic of “Parental Alienation” and
“Reunification Therapy”
November 8, 2023
Canadian survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and the family court system call on the Government of Canada and all Parliamentarians to protect Canadian children by implementing the recommendations of the report from the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, as per the 53rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, forthwith.
Petition e-4517 to the House of Commons has amassed over one thousand signatures. Attached is a letter supporting the petition which includes the support of over 60 Violence Against Women organizations. The letter was sent to leaders of federal political parties and the Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Justin Trudeau. It is attached to this release.

Support and Advocacy for Parents and Children Fleeing Family Violence
Photo by Prakasit Kuhansuwan at
About In Their Best Interest Canada
In Their Best Interest is a registered non-profit organization that focuses on protecting parents and children from family violence. We hope to be able to grow to provide a wide range of services to victims and survivors of family violence. Our aim is to create a safe space for families and advocate for systemic reform and legislative change.

Photo by Syed Qaseem Raza at